HI - thought I'd chime in; I have posted a good amount around the forums, mostly along the technical and music topics, but have not done as much writing about my music-playing gigs themselves. I can relate to much of what I've read here ...

Some background ... I'm 55 now, and have been doing the RH/NH type circuit for a couple of decades (along with ~1/3 of my gigs being in non-RH places). I was fortunate that my organ teacher (when I was a kid) introduced me to not just the current music of the time (late 1960s and then 1970s), but to a LOT of older music too - so I loved playing music from 1920s-1940s eras as much as the '60s and '70s (plus classical from a few centuries ago! :-)

Music-playing has always been a "side business" for me, as I have always had a typical "8-5" job. But I have a genuine love of playing, so have not minded "putting in the time/work" to do the marketing, learn plenty of good material that people want to hear, and doing what I can to "put on a good show".

One difference for me is that I'm not a singer. I play instrumentally. That hasn't stopped me from getting call-backs though, people seem to enjoy what I do just the same. I have been getting call-backs from many places for 15+ years now. (I'm in the central NC/USA area). People seem to enjoy the instrumentals; audience members tend to want to position themselves so they can SEE me play, and they often come up after asking about the keyboards/equipment, how I get all those sounds, and they enjoy the visual aspect (Watching my hands play the keyboards and hitting all the buttons and pedals etc.) I always try to put on a dynamic, variety, interesting program and not just play "meekly" or play "background-music". (I play a Tyros5 with an additional small keyboard). I throw in some "high-energy production number" type pieces, along with some gentler music, all from the eras they seem to enjoy.

Since I only do this part time, I often have to say "no" to ADs who call me - I only do 2-3 bookings a week (my choice). Even though I say "no", they just hire me for a future month etc., and they seem to keep trying to get (book) me even though I don't have as much availability as full-time musicians.

Anyway, like others mentioned, over the last ~5 or so years, I have seen a gradual decline ... one place used to have a 2-hour ballroom dance every month, and I played it for many years. Now they do it 4 times a year. Another place used to have me play a "happy hour" type thing every month, not I do that 4 times a year as well. So they have had cutbacks. What happens now though, is since some of my "regulars" have reduced their schedules, I now can fit in more "YES" responses to AD calls from places I used to not play at as often ... so it's balanced out OK. I haven't had any clients want to reduce my rate, thankfully.

Anyway, that's how things appear to me in central NC, USA. I do notice that there are more and more new RH/Assisted Care (etc.) places opening, so I think I'll never run out of opportunities ... but I agree with others, that it is a constant marketing thing to keep it all going year after year! :-)

Thanks all for the various comments/discussions, interesting to hear about what others are doing and experiencing!

Genos / Tyros5 / HK Lucas Nano 600 / FTB Maxx 40a / EV ZX1A / Rock'n'Roller cart / Hauptwerk virtual pipe organ / misc other audio & music toys