I've played out in public for $$$ for probably 45 years or more...mostly with weekend and hobby bands.
There are times in my life when I thought about going full time but that steady paycheck of my job kept me back. So, instead, I worked 40+ years on the job...not as much fun as playing though. Nice though to have a couple of retirement checks coming in each month so I don't have to depend on this income.
The upside was that I was able to sock away a pretty good chunk of $$$ for a boat, or whatever. I ended up spending it on music equipment...fine with me. The other thing is that I actually have a hobby that pays $$$ and have paid for a lot of equipment with our gigs.
There are a number of paying jobs in our part of the country, within a 50 mile radius of where I live. Cities are growing here and so are assisted living places. Also, this is prime vacation land around here and lots of jobs in the summer months.
That said, it's not easy to make a living around here entertaining. However, I do have a few friends that give it their best shot.
I have a good keyboard playing friend that spent 35 years on the road and recently retired..he's 65. As he says, he didn't retire on what he made playing but rather on investments and inheritance. He loved what he did for a living but, as he says, you pay a price for doing what you love to do.
It’s all about the learning