OK, as a rule I don't jump into these discussions but will because the OMB my paesano from RI Tony talked about was me.

First some comments about the entertainer showcase. I was invitied by one of the ADs that use me to play their facility for special events. It was a last minute invitation extended to me when I called her to confirm a gig date. Going back 7 years ago I also participated in a showcase sponsored by the same AD Association , a few of us were repeat performers.

The major difference this time only 3 of us used keyboards ( 2 were arranger type) all of us over 62 years of age, 3 were guitarists ( one with a midi set up) the reamaining entertainers all used backing tracks, so out of 20 performers 14 used backing tracks.

As far as talent the backing tracking singers were better vocalists than any of us who played keyboards or guitars. 2 of the vocalists were knock out looking ladies one who seemed to specialize in disco era music the other country music complete with an outfit that looked like something Dale Evans used to wear. The remaining backing track entertainers were men in their 40s. I found that the male backing track vocalists really got involved in audience participation and walked among the tables using wireless mics with the predominantly female AD audience. It was real obvious too which of the male singers impressed the ladies. One guy an old friend of mine Bob is a great entertainer he'll head over to a table of ladies while singing a love song, get down on his knees and hold out his hand to theirs. That melts the ladies, he was the biggest hit there, the line to book him in 2015 was the longest out of any of them.

After everyone entertained ADs got the OK to start booking entertainers and the longest lines were formed by the backing track male vocalists While there I didn't book a single gig but have since gotten a couple of calls to play. I spoke with the other arranger player/duo, they didn't book a single gig that day either. With the exception of the midi guitarist Ray who has been on the circuit since the 80s the other guitarists had no lines either. Wasn't too happy when I left the showcase that day.

After the dust settled that day I thought about my playing and know that's why I never attempted to make music my full time work as in "don't quit your day job." We all have strengths and weaknesses. Some of us are blessed with more musical skills than others. I would not expect a pro musician and who has been gigging/entertaining for years to step into the job I retired from as MIS/IT manager last December and do the quality work I did there, nor should I expect myself to be suddenly playing 5 gigs anywhere per week. I can say this, the last 7 years I've taken every bit of advice on improving and on booking more gigs here at SZ. That also included getting some voice coaching and practicing 4 or 5 days per week.

Marketing? Sure maybe not as agressive as I could be, but I spent 25 years of my early life career in sales/marketing. In retirement from full time work I'm not looking for more full time sales marketing work on the gig front. The point has been made it comes down to working hard at it or being lazy. "Lazy" is not in my vocabulary and that comes from a guy who once upon a time ran tweleve 26.2 mile marathons 3 at the famed NYC Marathon, one in DC at the Marine Corps Marathon, about 40 olympic distance triathlons and hundreds of 5 and 10k road races. Not LAZY, I do know my limitations because I've tested them.

Every market is different, yes the number of assisted living facilities is growing here too. Rhode Island is a very unique market the entire state is smaller than many counties across the USA and there is a ton of talent in this small state. No excuses here just the way I see things. I'll close with saying a good friend of mine a graduate with a Bachelor of Music degree with a major in vocal studies is now the AD of a very large and upscale facility. He choose not to perform as a career because he's seen the intense competition here. He tells me he gets 20 calls and/or mailings each week of performers who would like to be booked at his facility.