I have to be blunt here, ..........Good post Gary,.....as you know from our business discussions from years ago, which have been implemented with GREAT Success year after year...
There are those performers who blame everything else about their so called "lack of work" on everything under the sun EXCEPT their own shortcomings with their music, singing, and performance skills, of which they don't even know they exist, AND REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT, or go out and listen, watch & learn from others, record your act and let other performers listen to it and give advice good or bad, step out of the box trying to MIX IT UP performing using other methods besides an arranger KB to suit the need, etc, .. not to mention the lack of needed CONSTANT AGGRESSIVENESS in obtaining & booking work in so many ways besides NH's which is only a very small part of this business. People are people no matter where in this big world you go,....they all need music for so many different affairs & functions I can go on & on but this is not the place to do it on a public forum.
Merry Christmas
Edited by Dnj (11/30/14 09:14 AM)