Bachus: I know you realize the feature set you’re interested in is irrelevant to the majority of Genos buyers. Hence your Kronos and 4X. Both deep machines.
If you want the sounds and simplicity of operation...Genos seems to satisfy that type of user.
Interesting point about sales figures. Where did you get your information if you don’t mind me asking.
The point is that yamaha wants to pull new buyers to their money cow the Genos... to do so, they need to add features to pull in new people... and not just stick to the features that keeps the current group of users happy...
Yamaha pretends they are pushing the Genos into the workstation area, just to try and pull in new people.. like previous motif users.. pa4x owners... composers... younger people... but as said they are just pretending, they are not adding any new features at all that would peek these groups interest..
The Genos is at it is, an arranger... and not a workstation at all. To me writing the word workstation on the box, is the same as trying to sell a sedan as a sportscar... they are both cars.. to put it blunt, yamaha is outrightnlying and cheating by calling the Genos a workstation... and that is a kick in the balls for people like me that are actually wayting for a true workstation with arranger capabilities..