Hi Gang.

just some comments on key feel from a rank amature hobbyist who can't play for a hill of beans. I bought quite a few organs over the years and finally bought a Yamaha US-1. I loved the instrument but noticed I couldn't play it as well as the Conn it replaced. It honestly never dawned on me the the keys were smaller but I just put it off to old age and lack of practice. I then get a PSR2000 and the problem is even more pronunced and it was becasue these keys are the same size as the US-1 but feel Horrible.
Next I pick up a bargin on a Genesys which has a great keyboard feel and really big big sound, perfect board except for one tiny little problem it weighs a ton. Well my significant other wants us to practice together (she plays the drums) so I move the Genny out of my office into the loft. She practices more then I so its very hard to practice alone(goof off is more like it)So I get a little nutty and buy a KN7000 for the office. Well that has a nice key feel and same size keys as the Genny. Good keys make a difference in my humble opinion.

As far as the sound quallity on the KN7000 it certainly is better to my ears then the PSR 2000 was and I do like most of the styles better. THe sampled organs are to die for, the Drawbars are a decent for the most part and superior to the PSR 2000's. I don't know about the Tyros I've never tried one. Navagation is where the Yamaha seems to have a real edge and they do sound good I have to guess each high end arranger has it weakness and strengths. If I were good enough to play out (I'm not) I would probably use the Genesys.

I will be in Florida when they will be having the Ketron keyboard workshop so I may just pop in to a take a listen. I will leave my American Express behind.
