Originally posted by kbrkr:
Does anyone know if the Motif ES 8 has the larger keys or are they the same as the MO ES 6&7?
Yes the Motif8 and MoES8 have the piano size keys.
I don't think anyone is trying to be snobbish or stubborn about this issue, we just have different perspectives and opinions.
Why did Yamaha decide (decades ago) to go with this size keys on the ElecTone organs, and subsequently the PortaTone keyboards? I don't know. I probably never will.
If I could persuade the design group that we would sell 1000 more of each model by going to piano sized keys, they would probably start retooling tomorrow. But I don't think it's true, so I won't be very persuasive.
I'm not stubborn (well maybe a little), convince me.
Steve Deming
Assistant Manager
Customer Support Dept.
Pro Audio & Combo Division
Yamaha Corporation of America