Hi Bluebird,
I don't think it's so much that people can't be objective, it's just that we all have our personal likes & dislikes about keyboards.

We also have different needs depending on whether you're an entertainer ( who needs an inbuilt vocalizer and instant access to styles) or whether you're just a home hobbyist who likes to fiddle round. It also depends on the types of styles you use. Some keyboards do certain genres better than others. To me, the styles are pretty important. It's no good buying a keyboard who's styles you don't like, in the hope that 3rd party styles will solve your problem.

You really shouldn't be swayed by other peoples opinions of a certain keyboard, their personal needs may be totally different from your own.

Best to try and work out what it is that you expect from a keyboard, and then try and find one that closest suits your needs & budget. We tend to want the latest & greatest, but it's not neccesarily the one that suits us the best.

I personally did up a list of likes & dislikes. Last year I was tossing up between a Tyros & a KN7. After doing a list of features ( I was already aware of Yamaha functions as I'd owned a 9000pro) , ie sequencer functions, style creation capabilities, sound editing etc etc,
the kn7 won hands down for me. The same features that made me decide on the kn7 , may not be important to a tyros owner.

So,I really don't think it's a case of people not being objective.

best wishes


Quote from Bluebird

Why people can't be objective?
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022