Originally posted by Shakil:
If you will be using sequencer on the keyboard... then stay as far away as you can from PSRs... they have the worst sequencer.
What good is all that fine resolution, if the onboard sequencer is useless.

I have the PSR2000 for about two years now, and haven't recorded a SINGLE sequence on it. It's too much waste of time.

I am not sure about the KNs.

I agree. I don't know how much diffrient the PSR-2000's sequencer is from my PSR-A1000, but the sequencer is terrible and very unusable. I also tried to do some advance recording but found that I ran out of polyphony fast (only 32) which brings me to quesntion why the heck did yamaha even bother to put a sequencer in the PSR-1000/PSR-A1000/PSR-1100 when there isn't enough polyphony for the onboard sounds in the keyboard.
