LOL. Very good Mike. I'll try to get real. I appreciate people who think outside the box.
I know there are Technics KN2400/KN2600 out there. How about some demos.
When I first got my Roland EM20 I loved the piano, especially the lower notes. When I got the Yamaha PSR550, I still loved the Roland piano.
Then after some tweaking I decided that I loved the Yamaha over the Roland. I could hear some distorsion on the lower notes, especially when playing more then one note at a time on the Roland.
Last week I was on holiday and played the Roland all week. When I came back to Toronto Sunday night, I played the Yamaha again, and thought to myself, that the Roland piano sounds better. ?????
So. What's my point. If I can't decide which piano I prefer after 2 years of owning both keyboards, then for two different people to have differing views is possible. It is very subjective, even though the differneces are real.
I play Roland EM20 and Yamaha PSR550