Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
To clarify Boos statement:
The Backing sequencer in the Korgs works different from other brands. In truth, you are only "triggering" a note (or notes) to send to the sequencer, not the whole arranger, so polyphony is less of an issue. Also size of files.
The backing sequencer allows you to still make fill ins and adjustments after you record the song. No one else works like this to my knowledge. The full 16 track sequencer is also present in the Korgs, but they work like a conventional unit should....like all the rest.
For laying down simple arrangements, and adding a few parts over top later - the Backing sequencer is very easy, but it's not as specific as a full sequence, because you are using generic patterns as the base tracks.
Bottom line: If you like the styles....you'll love the sequences you make, and you don't need to be a drummer to program the rhythm parts.
Even a bricklayer can do it.
(atta boy Boo!)

Absolutely UD. A very user friendly instrument when it comes to sequencing and one of the only ones that I'll ever use the internal sequencer in ( the Motif Es is useful too ). Believe it or not, the other arranger that had the same functions ability to change drum fill, drum patterns, arranger patterns, chords.. etc AFTER a sequence was recorded was the Casio MZ2000. It had other excellent features too, includiong an internal midi file to style convertor and very useful sliders. It was the easiest arranger to operate in real time of any that I had. If it had some better patterns and some better basic sounds, and maybe some after market support, I would still have mine..

Since it has been acknowledged that it was somewhat of a KN5000 clone, I would wonder if any of the KN boards had thjese functions as well.

MC Gatto... Hope that PA60 is for you everything the PA80 has been for me. After having mine for 2 and a half years, I still have yet to try any arranger that I like better.( I've tried a lot of them ). It isn't perfect, and I would have liked at least one more fill per style, but when I compare it overall to any other arranger, it's still the best one for me to use.
