Originally posted by Starkeeper:

"There is No Reality; Only Perception", Dr. Phil McGraw.

So that meal you had for lunch was only perceived? > Yes; your senses, ie., 'sight' saw what you were eating but does that make it any less real? Try and convince your stomach that it is still hungry after eating your lunch and you became satiated Kevin. If the meal wasn't real but only perceived you would still be hungry. But since you ate the meal and became satiated you are no longer hungry. That is reality. In fact, in as little as 40 days you would no longer be amongst the living because the lunch you ate wasn't 'real' but only perceived according to you. And that's just taking into account FOOD. How about only perceiving water? You would kick the bucket in as little as 3 days. On your epitaph the fitting words: Here lies Kevin, oops!! I mean here kevin is perceived to be lying under this perceived 6 feet of soil. Get real!

Best regards,

[This message has been edited by Idatrod (edited 10-06-2003).]