Why? It's farse disguised as a competition. I hate the fact that they promote the "K" word over real musicianship, and they treat the audience as if we were stupid enough to believe that Simon is mean, Randy is cool, Paula is a ditz .... it's just fluff. It's boring to me, but if you and the millions of fans out there keep watching it - more power to ya. I tried a few episodes each season because my 13 yr old daughter likes it, but it always leaves me cold.

So, I put it in the trash heap with ALL other "reality" shows like Survivor, Biggest loser, Jerry Springer ..... the list is WAY too long to be accurate, but you can quote me as saying that the state of American made TV is very sad.

My guilty pleasure used to be the Gilmore Girls, but after season 6 when the real writers left the show ... it started to suck wind, big time. So far Season 7 has been a waste of time. Poorly written, boring and they have ruined a story that I used to like to follow.

We all have our favs ....... but reality and TV are mutually exclusive terms. I watch TV to get away from reality. I want entertainment, fun and creativity. I find none of that in Idol.

Sorry fans - just one man's opinion.
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