Renig is right...LCD...lowest common denominator...that's, in essence, the driving factor for the most popular network programming.

"Professional" wrestling, with the required suspension of belief", is a good example. No-one really believes that it is real, but it is popular and entertaining as hell!

In all mass communications efforts, we're in a "sound bite" world. More complicated plots are relegated to a "cable world"...sometimes
non-profit educational television.

We all face the same situation. As music gets more complicated, the audience grows smaller.
Serious players face smaller audience and paychecks, because they end up playing over the heads of the audience.

As a professor of mass communications, I realize that TV is what it is...enjoy it, but don't over-think or take it too seriously.

It is what it is. I like the comedy shows best...Earl, The Office...Scrubs...30 Rock
Saturday Night Live...diversion (and sometimes valid social statements) without a lot of effort.

Relax and enjoy...
