Donny, I agree wholeheartedly with Simon in that Melinda and Lakisha (as pure singers) are definately in another class than the other contestants, HOWEVER.....this is no guarantee that either will have as big a career as some of the others. Lakisha is my personal favorite with Melinda close behind. I was also really liking Blake up until the last performance (different drummer...I like that). BUT...if I had to bet my money on who will be most successful over their careers, I would probably bet on someone like Gina (the rock chick). That's because of young people's love affair with rock. She's got the image and the attitude and apparently that's enough. Look at Carrie Underwood. Who in their right mind is going to believe that this mediocre (at best) talent is the best America has to offer. Remember now, that I'm talking strictly about singing ability and talent, not commercial potential (blonde, wholesome, corn-fed, country, etc., etc.; why gol dang, I think I just died and went to heaven....who cares whether she can sing or not, bet she can milk a mean cow and would look dang good behind the wheel of that pick-up).

So, in conclusion, they are not wrong who critisize and question the show's status as a showcase for the best talent in America. Did anyone actually listen to Antonella? How on earth could this person possible be one of the top 20 singers in America? top 20 million, MAYBE. Truthfully, I didn't even think she was that hot (but then, I'm an old man, what do I know).

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]