I was going to say something along the same lines as what UD said but held off. He is spot on.

To me, it is hardly anything to crow about and frankly, I'm surprised that any musicians embrace it. This is not how it should work. You have incredibly talented people who have busted their butts for MANY years. If you create a regional following, they find you, simple as that. If you don't create a significant regional buzz, you go nowhere. It's a brutal business and American Idol is injustice in a big way.

AI has created this idea that you just have to win a tv show and become the next giant star.

And then you have Carrie Underwood being awarded CMA Vocalist of the Year in her first year. I'd bet that's rigged. I'd bet it's part of her handler's marketing machine strategy.

As for Taylor Hicks, I just can't believe this guy can be marketable (in the real world) for today's record-buying public. The typical CD buyer is what... 12 to 18? I like him okay. For about one song.

The show is also another example of in-your-face tv. Let's see how sassy and rude we can be. It's all over tv.

JMO, I don't think it's any good for musicians or music. It's a manufactured marketing machine.

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