American Idol is NOT a talent competition. It's a scripted, made-up, glitzy attempt to force the next new, sellable, hot thing down the throats of the music buying public. It's not about the breatest talet. it's about WHAT THEY CAN SELL. period.

Sure, some of the finalists have talent. Trillions of people all over the world have talent, and we'll never see it. Pop stars are "MADE" in Hollywood and "sold" till they go out of style. It's not about talent.

If content and talent were important for success there would be no Jerry Springer, reality TV, Pro wrestling ( don't get me started ! )....... American TV is at an all time low right now. I think we need stronger censors, programmers with a conscience, and smarter viewers.

Whew. Sorry. touchy subject for me.
Carry on, my friends ! It's a beautiful day and I have a spring concert for my students in a few hours. This is a REAL talent show. The kids all desearve their shot on stage....even when they stumble and fall, there is no "big, bad judge" to make fun of them or cut their confidence down. These kids are not all great performers, but for 3 minutes on stage ... they sure do feel like it !
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