Originally posted by SemiLiveMusic:
I've already stated my gripes with this show's method of building superstars... but yep, I've seen some of it lately and it is definitely wildly entertaining. The Simon guy knows how to make money for sure. They've built a cash cow.

I haven't heard or seen anyone on there this season who blows me away. But it's hard to get blown away acapella.

One thing they've definitely done is they have kind of exploited the mentally challenged or whatever we call them these days. Some of these people, you're left wondering "is this for real?" You know they just have to be a little bit off.

Of course, the crazier, the better these days. TV has definitely gone over the edge regarding the human condition.

I know one thing... that guy on last position last night... they showed a clip of his dad dancing and singing like back in the 50s or 60s. I couldn't hear him, maybe that was muted. But, man, that white man could dance! What was his name? I wonder if there is a youtube clip of him. Man, he could really go! A white James Brown!

I didn't see it, but his dad must have been Roy Head. Had a couple of big hits in the 60's, most noticeably "Treat Her Right". A great entertainer, from Texas I think.