originally posted by chas:
"....When you see the bands on shows like Letterman, Leno, American Idol, etc., you will NEVER, EVER, see an arranger keyboard, only workstations, workstations, workstations."

Would you expect to ?!? ... Arrangers are MADE for OMB - home user or PRO... why would a kb player in a band like Letterman's, or any other BAND for that matter, NEED an arranger ? ...
They are made for those of us who ENTERTAIN people with no other LIVE musicians, except perhaps a sax player or guitar player ... that IN ITSELF doesn't NECESSARILY make us any less a professional than anyone else ...

When I have the opportunity to play with a group - drums, bass, etc., the arranger is put in 'piano' mode and all accompamiment is turned off ......
t. cool