Originally posted by mikeathome1:

Now look at all these differing viewpoints and how civil this post has remained, what's up with that?

Yeah, isn't it grand. ALTHOUGH, there are times when you wish you could eschew political correctness, collegial polity, civility, and the like, and just say, 'Man, that sucked.....keep posting if you feel you must, but stop telling everyone you're a WORKING PRO'. BTW, I never have these thought or feelings about people who say up front that they are amateurs, home players, or singers or instrumentalist who use arrangers for accompaniment but are obviously quite proficient on their primary instruments (or vocals). Of course, having the freedom to do that would open the door for personal attacks and hostile feelings that may have little to do with music. Anyway.....

Peace Out (for now )

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]