Originally posted by ianmcnll: So, Kingfog, you used a "home keyboard" for pro recordings...thanks, that was my point.
I'm not sure how many "arranger" players do arenas...do you know?
Remember, we are talking arranger players and their relevant venues on this forum, not bands like the Eagles....apples and BIG oranges.
Dual mono....?
So you would still use two (or multiple) Bose systems....exactly my point again; one is insufficient....thank you, although I still strongly suggest two systems in stereo to be the ideal combination....I've heard them...I've compared them...I know of which I speak.
Remember the focus of this forum is on arranger players...not playing along/over with a CD using a digital piano...or "keyboard karaoke " as most will call it.
My point was that the Bose sounds better using two systems in stereo...I still stand by that statement 100%.
I also stand by the statement that if you can use a brilliant home keyboard (Tyros3) for doing (or recording or pre-recording) an allegedly "pro" show, then, what's the problem with using a brilliant home/computer speaker system for doing an appropriately sized venue?
No problem for many players on this forum....you can't have used a Z-5500 or you wouldn't be making those statements.
I have personally used a Z5500...it is a terrific system, and the other big plus...it's stereo...not one dimensional mono.
I think you have lost sight of the reality in which most "arranger players" play...thankfully most of us here do not have their feet firmly planted in mid-air where yours seem to be.
[This message has been edited by ianmcnll (edited 02-23-2009).]
I do use the Tyros at home (hardly pro recordings) but I just bought a Motif XS becasue as much as I tried the Tyros CANNOT cover all the bases I need covered in a home Studio by any stretch of the imagination. I tried but its simply not a DAW friendly WS Its a great style and SMF playback machine. The Motif is built specifically to interface with a DAW. Transport and fader controls integrated into the board. LAN.Firewire and digital outputs. We will still usethe T3 for certain voices and to record back up popular music tracks in a hurry, but it will no longer be the centerpiece and is now instead a fantastic sound module and Style Generator.
ONce I get to know the XS in and out which will take about 6 months I probably will sell the T3. I have to keep it a year per my agreement with Yamaha. Then I will sell it for $2500 and stick with the XS8 and VSTIs to fill the hole. (after archiving as many MIDI styles as possible)
Yes I am beginning to understand the crowd here and their curious choices. I also understand why there aren't any OMBs using Arrangers here in one of the largest OMB capitals of the east coast The avg demographic who has purchase the 6 S900s I sold this year are 55- 60 and are PT players who do play retirement homes and very small local pubs and one guy plays the Moose Lodge on occasion. I did sell a Tyros 3 today to a blind guy coming from an S750. He was amazing to watch get around on the t3. Came all the way down from Virginia to SEE ONE!!! Apparently no one is carrying them in stock.
Dual Mono is routinely used in major shows and events. That is where both sides of the Hall are INDEPENDANTLY amplified in bridged mode in Mono using discrete R/L out of the board.
The dual Bose systems on the Casino boat are in 11-1 stereo, but they are only 10' apart. I sold them the system but recommended they only buy one Mod II instead of two Mod Is. The OMB player who bought the system for them insisted they be in Stereo. He has since been let go. (Apparently Stereo did not help his act).
Call me crazy but I cannot come to grips with a Logitech Z 5500 Digital PC multimedia home theater speaker system being used at a Club here, or anywhere. Its a Computer speaker system for gamers. At the very minimum I sell the StagePas 300 Systems to the players who play the retirement home circuit here.
IM glad you find stereo to be of such great help and Logitech Speaker systems as well. If people can make a living with a speaker system like that all the power to them.
Yamaha Tyros 4 Yamaha Motif XS8 Roland RD700 Casio PX-330 Martin DC Aura Breedlove ATlas Solo Bose MOD II PA