#257256 - 02/24/0901:16 AMRe: Just got my new powered speakers
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Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
I bought a StagePas 300 system. And I took it back the next day. It comes nowhere close to sounding as good as even the Logitech Z2200, much less the bigger one--an informed opinion from someone who has owned 'em all, but just an opinion. Also the effects in it were limited and primitive at best. When I had my little night club, I had two biamped 15 inch Peaveys, with two Toa 18 inch subs and monitors for each side. Since then I've gotten a lot smarter. With today's technology that sort of overkill is just not necessary and not economical. Even with all that power, I didn't play too loud. As DNJ says, playing music is my "real" job, thanks to arrangers. All the guys working at the local music store look down their noses at me. That's the main reason I don't buy much from them any more. As a rule, they have no idea what arrangers are capable of doing. Imagine, I'm rarely invited to their Jam nights where they all get together and play for nothing at local clubs (because they can't get a paying job I suppose). Doesn't matter because I'm working five nights a week anyway, and that's the last thing I want to do on Sunday and Monday. When DNJ was here, we went out to one on Monday night. We stayed maybe four minutes because the music was so loud it was almost painful. I can only assume it's because they damaged their hearing long ago and don't know any better. The point is, in their minds they are pros and I'm stupid because I have a toy keyboard. This doesn't have much to do with the thread, but that seems to be the norm these days. The older I get the less tolerance for ignorance I seem to have. Before anyone gets his feelings hurt, ignorance is the lack of knowledge and doesn't mean you are not smart or well-informed in other areas. I just don't see the point in blindly criticizing things you haven't tried or even heard. I wouldn't play a big job with a Z2200, and to be honest I haven't used them since getting the Bose, but there are jobs for which they are perfect. Also, those type of jobs seem to pay way more than the ones where you have to play really loud. I think I'll order a couple of "Fran's" speakers just because they are cheap. If they aren't any good, I'll sell them to DNJ and he can put them on Ebay after a couple of days, or trade them to Fran and put whatever he gets in trade on Ebay after a couple of days. DonM