Originally posted by to the genesys:
In the example above, how do you think the maker of the Fender Rhodes feels about all the hard work and money they put in to making the instrument in developing that instrument and now some one goes and samples the sound?
This is getting ridiculous!!
Following that, how about how Stradivarius would feel, or whoever it was that created the first piano, or Adolph Sax...I could go on and on...
Soundwaves can be freely sampled. Where DO you think Yamaha, Roland Korg et al, got THEIR rhodes samples??
And you can bet your bottom dollar they paid not one cent to Leo Fender, either before he died or to his descendants. Nor to messrs Sax and Stradivarius.
I repeat, a ridiculous argument.
What I DO agree with is that if I sold or gave away say, a full sample set CREATED by East West, then THAT is a breach of the licence of use. The samples THEY created. But their source sounds for sampling in the first place are not covered by any copyright.
A good analogy I think, could be sidewalk artists...They would own a copyright of whatever they paint on the sidewalk, BUT they have no copyright over either the paints they used, nor the sidewalk itself.