nobody has said that copyright does not exist. but some things are not copyrighted, that is what is being said Diki.
remember I was first one who have all noted that Yamaha has won a copyright lawsuit in 2008: so if Yamaha has claimed that Yamaha is first company which proposed copyright to rom styles,
what they mean?
that it is first time, and Yamaha is first company?
and why in 2008?
and why The Court’s judgment was the first in the world ?
and why only in China?
and read this part of Article:
The Court’s judgment was the first in the world to recognize that “Style Data is intellectual property that is subject to protection under copyright laws” and that “unauthorized copying of such Style Data is an infringement of copyrights.” Yamaha believes this judgment is an epoch-making legal development and holds the content of the settlement arbitrated by the Court in high regard since it recognizes virtually all of Yamaha’s assertions. Looking ahead, Yamaha will continue to work to respect and protect intellectual property and to take a resolute stand against the infringement of intellectual property rights.
----What does this mean?--------
and if Yamaha do not do anything, it means that something more is going on, with law on sampling sample based hardware music instrument sound.
[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 06-10-2010).]