you just dont get it Genesys.
AMEI stands for
Association of Musical Electronics Industry. It is not yamahas view on copyright. It is the industry's view !!!
Next answer this question Genesys and then it will all fall into place.
1. Who is the author/owner of a piano sound ?
2. How can you tell ? Think back to what i said about the original creator ?
3. what is the content or intellectual property being protected ?
4. Now who is the author/owner of a sample created by yamaha/korg/roland of a piano sound ?
5. how can you tell ?
6. What is the intellectual property being protected ?
Some things can be copyrighted because you can identify the owner/author and you can clearly identify the intellectual property being protected. If you cant clearly identify the Author such as the creator of the piano (the original piano like 300 years ago) or the property being protected ( what is being protected with the piano, or what is the content) it is incapable of falling under the shadow of copyright law.
Sure i cant use trademark names like Rhodes or Steinway but i can certainly use the sampled sounds.
[This message has been edited by spalding1968 (edited 06-18-2010).]