Hi Sokratis 1974.

However….All we the users, we have learned with any instrument that we buy to have in specifically manufactured styles for the instrument….

No, your expectations in this regard are simply down to the fact that YOU are trying to label an OPEN keyboard as an arranger.

It's your own expectations that create this situation. But that's ok... just keep reading the rest of this post and I will explain a few things that will interest you.

Therefore I believe , after exists so much big discussion for copyright,

No, there are no copyright issues. Please see my previous post as that clears up this misunderstanding with perfect clarity that is not open to misinterpretation by anyone.

could the company make her somebodies Factory styles and simply all these be a possibility where the user of deciding what, and who way will it shapes the Instrument And of course they could exist also spesial styles for the GIGA expansions packs, or with any VST….
However this styles will made from professionals, and of course it will be spesial for this instrument...

I have two things to say on that and it's important that things remain to function like this.

1: Lionstracs responsibility is to provide an OPEN platform that allows the end user to do anything they can imagine in a seamless and totally integrated way. This is the core idea behind an OPEN keyboard and the function it must provide. The work Lionstracs have done in this regard is simply mind blowing and the keyboard does offer that seamless OPEN integration as promised. Lionstracs must stay focused on continuing to do that while providing future advancements and expanding on the keyboards openness to accept anything you throw at it. So it is NOT their responsibility to ever develop styles for a computer program (Live Arranger) they don't even own.

2: Simply because Lionstracs are focused on providing the OPEN platform in the best way possible, this has created interest from a third party and so Tastenpoint are now currently developing styles written specifically for the keyboard.

So I hope you can see how this works here. Lionstracs focuses on providing the best open platform they can and the knock-on effect of this is that it creates an opportunity to third party developers to develop content for people who are not so advanced and need content developed for them.

In the near future I will also have completed a premium content sound library for the keyboard. I'm in the process of using my KORG OASYS and my OASYS ASSAULT library to develop new sounds for Lionstracs keyboards.

And I'm sure others are busy developing things too. Everything people are doing you will not find on any other keyboard. OPEN keyboards are the future because of the endless possibilities.

When you jump onto the bandwagon simply boils down to your own abilities or how you approach the concept.

Kind Regards

[This message has been edited by Irishacts (edited 06-12-2010).]