Hi spalding.
so are you saying that Liontracs is not selling yamaha styles or are you saying yamaha styles are not copyrighted ?
I'm saying that Lionstracs are nether selling or giving away for free any Yamaha styles in any shape or form.
If you want to use a Lionstracs keyboard as an arranger you have to do two things.
1: Buy the computer program Live Arranger off the guy that developed it.
2: Get your own styles to run on it. Be it freely downloaded of the net, or you buy them.
Either way you will get none off Lionstracs as they don't sell them or give them away for free with their keyboards.
Because Dom has boasted many times that he uses yamaha styles and is still bragging that now and yamaha have successfully exerted their copyright over their styles already at least in China so what am i missing James ?
If that's what he said then he very likely means that he is personally using Yamaha styles. It does not mean he is selling his keyboards with styles preloaded onto them.
As for the copyright and Yamaha winning a case in China. None of it effects Lionstracs as they do not sell or give away styles. So regardless of what anyone thinks Yamaha have accomplished here, None of it applies to Lionstracs at all.
Kind Regards