All articles are about song sampling, but not about instruments sounds sampling.

Sampling of a song you break copyright if you do not have permession from source, because you scan someone else's creation.

but with sound sampling from sample based hardware music instument, the sound is not creation of sample company, but a scan from real instruments or analog synth sound,

so the source is not sample company but real instruments and analog synth makers.

These are the sounds and not songs.

I give an example,

I'm going to record English alphabet letters and characters on a tape, or better i make a sample based instrument with English alphabet letters and characters as a sound,

then you have no right to using the letters and characters any more becouse as you begin to speak you are using my sound!?!?!?!?

is better or not to see instruments sounds like alphabet which you can use to make words and sentences(songs).

harware music instrument sounds= scan of a realinstruments sounds,analog synth sounds,other hardware music instument sounds

so sample based hardware music instumrnt sounds is not a new music instrument but a digital copy of other sounds.

why on source(realinstruments sounds,analog synth sounds) not copyright but on digital instruments sound copyright????????????

music instrumnts sounds are, like a pencil that you used to draw or write.

so then you most have copyright on a pincel too??????????

if we have copyright on a pincel, then every sample company has broken copyright too by using a scan(sampler) to make digital copy from real instuments and analog synth sounds.......(they make a scan without permession from source holder)

so if you say that real instruments and analog synth sounds are open source, then every sample company has broken GPL license when they copyright the sampled sounds.

GPL license says you can change and modify or copy the source but share the source you have made from first source.

a digital music instruments sound sample is a change and modify or copy from source(real instrument and analog synth)

GPL license says also you can sell or distribute the source you have made, but others have right to see copy or change and modify your source and sell or distribute too.............

[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 06-08-2010).]