1) I think the T4 will sound great.

2) I think the T4 will still suffer from Home heyboard build quality...yes many have had issues with T1,T2, T3 and T4 is the same. Just check on YPKO. Many have not...but I should not have to worry about the specific chemistry of my body and how it may effect the keyboards painted on lettering! The Motif is built very well based on my observation and research. The engineers at Yamaha in Home keyboard division are still building PSR's???

3) No 76 because Yamaha is only interested in home market, not PRO market and 'MOST' home players seem to only want 61.

4) I think they will sell a lot of the T4's

5) I think the features are very nice on the T4 and I'm sure the sound is great. BUT, I want to but a keyboard that will last a long time...and I'm not sure the T4 is going to meet that requirement.

6) I've avoided this T1---T2---T3---T4 thing so far...if the T4 sound wins me over...I may get one in spite of the build quality.

7) I've heard nothing of a PA3XPRO coming out...I may wait a while and see if I can find out about it. One can not assume there will be one. I do like the build quality of the Korg and it is a PRO instrument (many reasons I say this).

If I do get a T4...it MUST work correctly with a lower MIDI keyboard attached, for me to keep it.

Also, depends on street price.

Lee S.
Lee S.