Originally posted by Diki:
I am pretty sure that this has NOTHING to do with market research. ...

Wrong again.

It has everything to do with market research, and nothing to do with your inaccurate assumptions.

It still boils down to the indisputable fact that Yamaha is not making a 76'er...all your crying and weeping and badgering after the Tyros, Tyros2/3 did absolutely no good at all...just as sure as the sun will rise in full splendor, or behind a veil of clouds, the Tyros4 arrived with 61 keys. They have said "NO" to 76 and you are having a problem accepting it.

It's your problem, not mine.

Your inability to understand the word "NO", is amazing, and it is rapidly becoming obvious that you have no argument in your favor whatsoever and you are just being stubborn.

Accept the facts, and learn to deal with them, son, or you're going to give yourself another mental hernia.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.