Originally posted by to the genesys:
Well may be the new S series will have 76 keys. Or they could upgrade the DGX series to a MOTL arranger.

Personally, I don't think they'll bring out a 76 note PSR-S-series.

The DGX will not change to something approaching MOTL arranger specs (like the S-series) unless Casio go with 4 variations/style, and add some more features.

Casio is the DGX's competition.

You know Genny, it's strange. We have a very lucrative and very busy arranger market here in Atlantic Canada...it has been that way since the early PSR and Roland E-series.

Yet, when some dealers took in Roland G-70 and E-60, they only sold one of each, and the latter is still resting at the back of one of the stores, unless some employee took it home.

The G-70 was traded in on a pair of lighter PSR's or a Tyros2 (I can't remember which one) and ended up on EBay.

If 76 note model arrangers were so popular, why don't the dealers in my district bring in Korg PA2Xpro? They have the Korg line of workstations that sell very well, and some of their digital pianos, but they shy away from their 76-note arrangers.


The PA2XPro is a better/newer arranger than the G-70 and of course, the E-60.

The dealers have seen/heard, and some have even tried the Korg product at the NAMM shows, yet they want Yamaha Tyros and MOTL PSR (again, this is in my region).

Of course, we promote the product vigorously, but Korg could do the same.

Still, they had a big demo night (well attended) of the G-70/E-60 and that didn't seem to help, and rather than buy a 61-note E-50, the customers went with an S-series that offered more features, and great support.

It would be interesting to find out the percentage, or ratio, of PA2XPRO to PA-800 on the Korg forums.


PS...why haven't you bought a Korg PA2XPRO?
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.