Yep...I see. It's nice to have the GP on site...the 76 issue is perplexing. There's something there at Yamaha we don't matter what anyone says here...somethings up. It may be a simple as when they meet for requirements definition...a couple senior mgs just say 'This is a home keyboard and we are not going to do 76 keys' As long as they sell enough 61's they are not going to change it.
Bachus said that 50% of the arranger players want there's demand for sure.

With me...I always played I'm kind of stuck with arrangers because the organs went away (Yamaha) 1 manual 61 notes is TIGHT for me. Forget playing any meaningful piano too (But I didn't have that on the organs either (2- 44 or 61 note manuals). 76 is a nice compromise and I think it was Diki taht said it's the overall size & bulk that's a concern for the 61 lovers not the 76 keys.

I'm here to tell you I could move my PA2XPRO around a lot easier than my T2...the T2 was very wide & thick and no light weight either. The PA is easier to grab hold of & carry. It ssure isn't light either..BUT IT IS A METAL CASE...and meant to last.

In my case I use the 76..if I get a T4 because I want the content..I will have a 76 under it.

Lee S.
Lee S.