Originally Posted By: Dnj

At this point T4 is a Great sounding HOME players unit & the new Pa3x is much more from it's aluminum body, black look, sliders, Tc VH, editing, touch screen, chord sequencer, dual Mp3, & soooo many more features geared for a "live gigging musician"....it's a difficult choice that needs to be weighed by the individual needs of the player.

In my district or sales area, we sell a lot of S-series to pro single performers (including a lot of guitar players/singers) and Tyros is 95% home product...very few performers using TOTL arrangers...most use S-series, or SMF players and a piano, or a workstation. The home market is very lucrative, as you know...they pay more money, much more willingly, than the pros, who need to make a living, and want a low overhead cost outlay. Pros will dicker over prices much more aggressively, hence the cheaper prices on workstations, and low profit on arrangers sold to pros.

Again, this is in my area...it may work out different elsewhere, although we do have a very high number of arrangers sold here...lots of interest...lots of clinics too.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.