I think that it's probably a case of Korg users, rejoice! Everyone else that already had decided against Korg PA2, the difference isn't radical enough. Which is fair enough, because, bottom line, if you didn't like the T3, you probably don't go ape over the T4, either.

With pretty much ALL keyboards coming out with new product that has at BEST 10% new stuff in them (samples and styles), who in their right mind honestly expects anything radical and game-changing? Not only would it cost a FORTUNE to produce, it would alienate all their existing customers that DO like the previous product.

I am going to be disappointed if Korg have only managed to come up with a tiny few DNC sounds for the PA3. To be honest, it's this feature alone that can get then into parity with Yamaha, at least for RH sounds. They have the technology, to not leverage it is shortsighted. At LEAST matching Yamaha's SA2 count with genuine NEW sounds recorded specifically for the feature would seem to be necessary, or they are STILL playing 'catch-up'. And yes, 50 NEW styles is paltry. If it is backwards compatible, which apparently it is, they should ALL be new, and users can load in their old favorites as needed. When you are behind in a race, that's the time to try HARDER, not coast...

Maybe things will turn around for me this season down here on the Oil Coast... I know I always said 'first out with a CS, I get it', but honestly, most of my work these last two years has been live band and studio, so it's not as big a deal as it used to be. But I have a close friend who will be getting one for sure. His entire ACT revolves around them (he's a great two fisted player) to the point that, while he has a G70 and a GW-8, he STILL gigs on a G1000 or G600, just for the CS. So, at least I'll get to try one when they come out...

I am amazed at the feeding frenzy that goes on whenever any new product is thrown in with the sharks at NAMM. How many times have you seen something that got torn apart based on a few lousy NAMM demos turn out to be a pretty decent piece of kit? I blame overly optimistic (blue-sky high, to be honest) expectations from people that SHOULD know better..!

C'mon, man! What was the LAST thing you ever saw in a keyboard that was UTTERLY new, different and game changing from it's previous model? For me, it was probably the DX7... And that's a LONG time ago!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!