As we've heard very little of the new CONTENT in the PA3, I think it's a little early to be either dissing OR praising it. It's been made clear that this was just a sneak peek at a beta, no way to judge what the final sound will be. That most of the styles we heard snippets of were legacy is a HUGE indicator that Korg have quite some work to do! Doubling the ROM ought to be quite significant, but only the new piano (and that violin sample, I think) seemed to be new sounds. Mind you, ONE decent grand piano could chew up most of that ROM increase if they weren't careful!

The thing that will make or break the PA3 is going to be whether Korg get parity with Yamaha with the DNC sounds. They have the technology. Did they come up with the samples to leverage it, finally?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!