Hi Diki
Hate to disillusion you, but PCI cards came out about the middle 90s, and they are still available on the very latest motherboards. (Including those that use the very latest CPU from Intel)
CPU, Chipsets & Ram have no relevance, as when you upgrade to a new one, (So that you don’t have to change the whole keyboard to get uprated performance) you just load the drivers in for it, and away you go again.
USB is backward compatible, so again no problems with that either.
In fact pretty much everything you say about computers above is totally incorrect.
TIP: Get at least a basic understanding of a subject before commenting on it, that way there is less chance of inadvertently giving the wrong information.

As to poor content in Open Arrangers then I suggest you look at the amount of players that have bought Wersi OAS instruments over other manufactures, (Professionals and Home users) as they give them the performance and sounds they are looking for. (Not everybody wants the same sounds/styles/setup as you)


Edited by abacus (01/17/11 06:07 PM)
Edit Reason: Mispelling
English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).