Quite honestly it is the sounds that really matter to me in the gosh...the features in th PA2 were pretty darn complete.
Read the specs again...there is plenty there. 4 fills, autofill, chord sequencer, my GOD esentially a Voice Live 2 VH.that's huge, twice the intermal ram means much better souds, 8 effects...that's twice the PA2, new drums technology, 120 oscillators instead of 19, final mastering efects by WAVES...that's top drawer, new pianos & EP's (no there not the same as PA32), My GOD now we can inport many file formats to the sampler, includin Akai, 50 new styles, realtine channels nowhave buttons---hurrah!, imprved TFT touch screen, more DNC sounds.
That's a lot...
That's a H of a lot more than the change from T3 - T4.
Me...I'm looking to hear it...and I mean top qulity demos of many of the sounds and styles. Better yet, in person...then I can hear the sounds I care about.
If they did't get the sounds I like/need right...the I will get a T4. I love the depth, editng and all the PRO features of the PA....but I will not comproise the sounds. Not again.
Lee S.
Lee S.