Hi Spalding
All valid points for the Korg, however neither of us own Tyros keyboards, and our perceptions of them are still almost totally opposite.

Regarding SA & DNC
The Yamaha sets up everything for you, but has limited editing, whereas the Korg DNC can be truly personalised to your playing style.

As to which you prefer (1 button press and everything done for you, or you get given the tools and then do with it as you please) is a personal choice, and I am in the camp of full user customisation. (Hence my preference for Wersi OAS, as I am not dictated to by the manufacture as to what sounds I can and cannot have)

Should be interesting to see what the PA3x is priced at, as at the moment the PA2x is the cheapest TOTL Arranger out there, (At least until the Music Store specked Pegasus Wing is launched) and significantly cheaper than a T4.

Diki has probably already ordered one, as he has always said over the years (In many posts) that the first manufacture to add a Chord Sequencer would get him to open his wallet.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).