Hi Diki
All Wersi OAS models from their inception can still be upgraded to the latest OAS version until the middle of this year, (Almost 12 years after their launch) and as the latest version OAS 7) came out 5 years or so ago, most users have already upgraded, so once again your comments have little relevance. (The latest OAS 7 version is R43 btw)
Regarding having to upgrading the computer hardware every 5 minutes to run the latest software, then I suggest you follow my tip, as if you do you will then find out how ridicules your statement is.
Changing the core part of the instrument (Motherboard etc.) every 5 years or so (A typical time frame for open instruments and computer users) is a hell of a lot cheaper than changing the whole instrument.
BTW I base my observations on facts (Been working with computers of all types for over 30 years) and if you did the same, I would not need to keep correcting the false information you keep posting.
English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).