Interesting that Yamaha think a touch screen is a good idea on their TOTL Clavinova, costing far more than the T5, but not on their TOTL arranger.
Overall, a touch screen, if well implemented, is a HUGE improvement over a non-touch screen. Only those that have not got one seem to think otherwise..! With both the other majors having had touch screen arrangers out for years now (but sadly with Roland dropping it for now to keep things cheap), it is strange that Yamaha seem so conflicted about its use.
I am a HUGE fan of the touch screen on the G70. It enables me to do things on it at a speed that would amaze anyone using a non touch screen arranger. Functions that take so long to get to you never use them take a couple of screen touches on a well designed touch screen.
Yamaha need to make up their minds... are they good or bad? Putting one on their most expensive Clavinova seems to indicate good, but omitting it from the T5 seems to say bad.
Which is it?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!