After seeing the Demos and listing to the A/B Tyros 4 vrs Tyros 5

I can say they are truly different the EP section sound better in the T4 the Grand in T5 sound great i am happy for that the split left hand bass is going to prove to be nice, the ensamble section is going to be very cool how it going to assign the parts cant wait to see how that works , 76 keys and 4 outs over and above the left and right out is going to be great in studio if they did it right ? over all i am going to keep T4 and add T5 there is a good difference so both can be used Guitars sound very good in T5 and amp sims very good seem like this came from Kronos they where first to do it but yamaha see to have Knocked it out of the yard.

I am hoping the toddle between Midi file and mp3 will let me do 2 midi files like in PA3X this is going to be Fun . Ron
Genos, PSR S970, Fender Tele Amercian Deluxe Cherry sunburst , Cubase Pro 8 ,Yamaha A3M Acoustric ,Taylor 814, Ibenez Artcore Custom Tascam DP 32 Yamaha DXR 10, QSC K-12, K 12 Sub K 8 Sinn 945
2 Fender Expo line units .