I guess it's a good thing so many of us are aging, and have so little hearing left..! It allows us to be cavalier about something so fundamental as drum sounds.

Only the deaf could possibly compare a Yamaha favorably with the best VSTi's. Or those SO partisan to their brand of religion (sorry, meant arranger!) that they are quite happy to ignore things so utterly obvious that only dogma could excuse it.

So, for all you Yamaha drum fans, here's some more good news... The earth really IS flat (don't look at those pictures from space!), and only dates back 7000 years or so. Those dinosaur bones and plate tectonics evidence are just fakes put up by Godless Liberals...!

If you are willing to ignore the evidence of your ears (or they are so shot you can't HEAR it), there really isn't an intelligent conversation to be had.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!