It seems from the leak that the audio stuff from the S950 has been adopted. It will probably be important that Yamaha have fixed that feature considerably, made it more useful (loops for the multipad audio) and made loading in more content fast and painless...

Or it will be the boondoggle it is on the S950, IMO.

Ketron, IMO at least got audio loops right... You either use them for EVERYTHING, or you simply don't bother. I predict we will still have only a small fraction of the ROM styles using audio drums, which kind of defeats the whole purpose, wouldn't you say? If they are THAT good, they will make the rest sound poor by comparison, and if they DON'T sound that much better, why bother?

Yamaha have had a year or more to rectify the audio issues. It will be interesting to see if they managed to or not.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!