Originally Posted By: Stephenm52
Ian, I left my credit cards home when I went to demo the Pa3x, but still bought it. I've been very happy with both the T4 and Pa3x. When the wind blows out of the north I play T4, when out of the South the Pa3x. It's a real luxury that's for sure.

I see you aren't any better at resisting temptation than I am, Steve. It's great to be weak...ha ha! In my case, I have to wait until my extra pension kicks in early next year before I look seriously at another addition, if I feel I need it, of course. That's why I've taken a sabbatical from gigging...I'm looking at different options, and going over some tentative plans with a few other semi-retired musicians. So far, it's looking quite positive.

I suspect Yamaha and Korg are still able to cover the TOTL market so well because they tend to introduce arrangers in steps, and not leaps, with Korg's steps being the larger of the two.

It's obvious that the market is still very good for TOTL instruments as both companies appear to be moving quite a bit of product, so perhaps their relatively similar strategy is proving to be a wise one.

I have quite a few of the PA styles converted for Tyros, and I find them very useful as donors for making my own Frankenstyles, as some parts, due to the styles being programmed over at least 8 bars, have interesting movement, and, since my own styles are always s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d to at least 8 bars, they add a nice air of distinction.

A PA-3x might be a tad too rich for my budget, but a PA-600 might be an interesting addition...have you played one?

Also, your PA3X...is it the 61 or 76 note model?

I'm also tossing around the idea of getting a Casio PX5S 88-note note synthesizer, again, hinging on future plans...I haven't yet had the opportunity to try one out, but, the on-line demos I have heard, and the very positive reviews on other sites are extremely encouraging. It appears to be an awesome bang for the buck.

See? I have no willpower! Ha Ha!


Edited by ianmcnll (10/26/13 12:48 AM)
Edit Reason: to corect speling and grammer
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.