But at no time whatsoever will you catch me trying to deny what faults it DOES have. And I think that's where you'll find the difference between me and some others here who cannot abide the least word of criticism about what THEY use.
That's great, buddy.
You see, I'm not going to get caught up in all the criticism anymore...at least until I see and hear what this topic was original about...the Tyros5.
I also have no intention of inventing faults with the instrument I'm very happy with using, just so you might feel better about the way you slag your own.
I'm just going to sign in, read all the posts, have a chuckle, post a reply if I feel like it, and then go back to playing, recording, and style making.
I'm afraid one doesn't have to come down off a high horse, if they are wise enough not to put themselves up there in the first place. I've seen so many mounts and dismounts throughout this thread it's starting to look like a John Wayne western movie.
I'm glad I know my limitations...I'll leave the horsey stuff and it's less than fragrant by-products to the ones who obviously feel they are more qualified.

Just a small teensy weensy ittsy bittsy suggestion, but have you thought about starting a separate thread on the BK-9, because I think most people clicking on this topic, expect it to be about
Tyros5 information...not someone trying to justify their purchase of a keyboard they obviously aren't totally happy with.
Man, am I ever glad my search is over. Contentedness can be elusive, but I have found it.

Good luck with yours.