this unit is going to have 4 sub outs in it this is big we can now send different parts to a mixer so the house can mix like a band more bass more drums ect i suggested that too them when i met with them 2 years ago looks like they upgraded that it was only 2 now , i did not see any pictures about a upgraded Piano suite like the organ section I hope they did that dont worry guy there is a 76 key unit .
Genos, PSR S970, Fender Tele Amercian Deluxe Cherry sunburst , Cubase Pro 8 ,Yamaha A3M Acoustric ,Taylor 814, Ibenez Artcore Custom Tascam DP 32 Yamaha DXR 10, QSC K-12, K 12 Sub K 8 Sinn 945
2 Fender Expo line units .