Don’t put too much reliance on screen resolution as there is more to a usable screen than that, and as always the best way is to try the screen out in store with the type of documents you are using to see which one suits.

Go for a laptop that has an SSD (256GB is fine for most use) and USB 3 which will allow you to add an external HDD/SSD if you do need a higher capacity. (USB 3 is also suitable for disk streaming if you use large sample VSTi)

If you use the keyboard/touch pad a lot, try this out as well as they vary considerably in quality.

Also consider a hybrid that can be used as a laptop or tablet (With touch screen) as if you’re out live a tablet will be more convenient, with the keyboard allowing you to make more detailed use when at home/studio. (Keyboards can be detachable or you could have a laptop that fold through 180deg)

Go for a minimum 4GB Ram (8GB if using VSTi) and at least a dual core CPU.

If you are prepared to spend the cash (And you want to use it just for music and simple office stuff plus don’t mind paying over the odds for the looks) then a Mac Book Pro is a good one to look at. (Just remember that they are severely limited in available software outside of the Video, Music and office software, plus if you have a problem Mac gurus are few in number compared to PC gurus)

Finally go for the best you can afford, as this will be money well spent in the long term.

Hope this helps

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).