You’re missing the point Spalding, even if you are correct, an Arranger Keyboard is an Arranger keyboard because of its Auto Backings, (It’s just a modern version of the old Easy Play Organ backings) take these away and it is no longer an arranger keyboard, just a normal synth/workstation, however if you look on the market you will find much better synth/Workstations with better voices, features and flexibility then an arranger keyboard for considerably less money, so why would a pro pay more money for less, just to get features (Auto-Backing) that he doesn’t want or need.

If you are in a band/group then you do not need auto backings as the band/group supplies far superior backings to the arranger, the same applies in the studio, as you can use software/hardware to make a far superior backing than an arranger keyboard with canned styles. (In most cases for considerably less money)

For what they are, (The home hobby player who no longer wants an organ) arranger keyboards are brilliant, and as you say great for OMB and a sketch pad, but when you have much better available for less money geared to the pro market, they are an unnecessary luxury.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).