Just because I am stubborn I will push back one last time .
You will notice that yet again the folks who claim arrangers keyboards for professional use as a regular gigging keyboard for 90% of the use a pro would need (no automated Styles involved ) , have still not commented on why an arranger like the korg pa4x would be inappropriate for general professional use .
So here we are again . Strong opinions with no substance .
I had an hour long conversation yesterday with one of my fellow musician friends who is semi professional ( like most pros are as it’s hard to make living and provide for your family on just music ) .
I asked him the same question as in my previous post . He owns the Yamaha XF workstation . Do you know that when he gave examples like
“ assignable switches and controls “ I asked him what for ? And when he told me answers like “ to change filters , resonance , release and mix sounds on the fly like adding phaser and tremolo effects , mixing multiple parts like drum tracks etc “ and I told him I could do that too , he was genuinely surprised .
He told me that he sometimes used his assignable faders to control the draw bars on the organ simulations he had .I told him I Did the same . He said but what about percussion and controlling the Leslie effect or adding dirt “distortion “ to the sound ? I told him I could do that and explained how these effects can be assigned to specific buttons or directly on screen in real-time .
He said “what about customising your sounds and saving them as performances for specific songs ? “ I told him about the multiple keyboard set ups , effects volumes mixes and assignable functions I could store and recall on a single button push called a keyboard setting ,and then save them to specific or multiple songs , and save set lists of songs for multiple types of gigs like Christmas songs , worship songs , dance and celebration songs etc including the optimum eq settings for the venues / rooms I perform in even down to the different amps I might be using to put my sound through .
After an hour he finally said I just don’t think arrangers have good enough build quality for regular gigging as they are often made from plastic . I told him that my korg was made from the same material as the Kronos which he accepted was gig suitable . I also reminded him that the Yamaha modx is made from plastic .
It became apparent to him ( no surprises ) that he had pre Pre conceived ideas about arranger keyboards that blinkered his view about their suitability but when pushed , it was about how he felt he might be perceived by other musicians that was the real objection , who pretty much had the same ignorance of arranger keyboards he had .
It had nothing to do with his musical needs at all .
Nobody on this forum who believes arrangers are not suitable for professional use has to respond directly to my points . I am not trying to bully anyone or sell my view above anyone else , but it would be nice if just once folkes who actually Disagree ,engaged in the specifics so we can all learn something new rather than just remain embedded in what is often an ignorant ( in the precise meaning of the word ) position .