Originally Posted By Henni
I used to play guitar in a church band. Some services, when everyone was in perfect unity, the music was awesome and extremely uplifting.

Then came the next Sunday and it was just the exact opposite for whatever reasons. This drove me into the arms of an arranger. As long as I am tuned in to the Holy Spirit, the music is awesome. Only myself to blame if not.

I am not a professional in any way or form. But the arranger sure works for me. When we do open air outreaches we unpack our stuff and then wow!!! The area comes to life with vibrant music with only me and Monica on "stage". smile

I sure love my arrangers with all their automated features!!!
Henni, I was a church pianist/organist/choir director ever since my teenage years. So I am familiar with "church music" and I'll say an arranger keyboard is a double-edged sword to use a biblical expression, especially in a church setting. However, it seems that you know how to wield it. So more power to you!
"You Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." John 8:32